Finance & Insurance

Make Your Dream A Reality
Yamaha has been supplying innovative and exciting leisure products for more than 60 years and Yamaha Motor Finances (YMF) goal is to help you purchase the products you have always wanted to make your dream a reality.
YMF is a 100% owned subsidiary of Yamaha Motor Australia Pty Ltd. YMF was established to give Yamaha customers access to specially tailored finance packages on Yamaha’s huge range of motor products. This unique relationship means YMF has a better understanding of motorcycle and marine products and more importantly, caters for your needs.
If you are looking to finance your new Yamaha powered product, YMF provides real value.
Apart from competitive rates, you also benefit from the following:
- Fixed interest rate and repayments
- Flexible loan terms available from 2 to 5 years
- Ability to finance accessories and approved insurances
A YMF loan is simple and convenient, applications can be completed in person instore at Captain Marine or pre-approved online through the YMF website. We offer finance for the following products:
- Outboard Motors
- Boats
- Trailers
Now there is even more reason to take advantage of the benefits Yamaha Motor Finance & Insurance can offer you – you choose the option that best suits you!

Call 03 6334 3118 for a Quote Today
We are marine specialists and we understand how important your Yamaha powered rig is to you and that is why we have a marine insurance product that offers you a range of benefits not available anywhere else.
Yamaha Motor Insurance enables you to benefit from the complete range of protection available under the Yamaha umbrella. Offering peace of mind cover for all our Yamaha customers, YMI is the ultimate in pleasure craft protection at competitive rates.
Comprehensive Insurance
- We ensure only genuine Yamaha parts used on repairs
- Zero excess payable on theft claims when protected with Yamaha DNA
- We will give you 3 years new for old replacement on your new Yamaha powered boat or waverunner
- New for old on mechanical and electrical components of the motor regardless of age
- Premium discounts for age, boating experience and boating courses
- Layup, premium discount for the months your boat or waverunner is not used
We can also look at discounting your premium by only providing cover for the months you do use your Yamaha.
For full terms and conditions simply download the relevant disclosure statement below. YMI Marine Insurance SPDS – This is to be read in conjunction with your current PDS.